V International Conference
"National Anticorruption Strategies" is the main theme of the V International Anticorruption Conference.
The V International Anticorruption Conference was held due to the initiative of the Head of the Central Anticorruption Bureau Paweł Wojtunik. Its co-organizers were the Ministry of the Interior and the Civil Service.
International Anticorruption Day is an excellent opportunity for the representatives of national and international institutions, organizations and services involved and interested in fighting corruption and its prevention, to meet for the fifth time. So far, the conferences organized by the CBA were attended by over 1,000 people.
The V International Anticorruption Conference was held at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in cooperation with the Central Anticorruption Bureau, Ministry of the Interior and the Civil Service. The main theme of the meeting was "National Anticorruption Strategies".
The conference was opened by the Head of the CBA Paweł Wojtunik, Minister of the Interior Teresa Piotrowska and the Head of the Civil Service Claudia Torres-Bartyzel.
Then the work was continued in two panel groups of panels in the area of:
- "Strengthening preventive and educational activities in the area of corruption"
- "Strengthening activities in the scope of fight against corruption"
The International Anticorruption Day was established by the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly No. 58/4 of 31 October 2003 and it commemorates the ratification by the State Parties of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption which took place on 9 - 11 December 2003 in Merida, Mexico.
Jacek Dobrzynski, Press Officer for the CBA