
Accessibility declaration of the website

Accessibility Declaration

Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (hereinafter referred to as CBA) undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website under the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

Accessibility Declaration concerns the website of Central Anti-Corruption Bureau.

Date of website publication: 30 August 2007

Date of last major update: 28 March 2017

Digital Accessibility Status

There may be cases where certain documents published on the website are inaccessible for the following reasons:

  • some documents do not have tags including headings and labels,
  • some non-text documents do not have a text format,
  • some documents cannot be controlled by using only a keyboard,
  • some keyboard-accessible content does not have an active mode or lacks a visible keyboard focus indicator,
  • some files are not digitally accessible for reasons other than those listed above,
  • there is no access to an online International Sign Language interpreter through the website.


  • there is no obligation for maps to be accessible
  • videos had been published before the Digital Accessibility Act entered into force

Some videos posted and published before the Digital Accessibility Act entered into force may not contain subtitles or other required accessibility elements.

Preparation and update of the Accessibility Declaration

Date of declaration compilation: 14 November 2019

Date of latest declaration review: 11 March 2025

Declaration has been compiled on the basis of the survey conducted by S2 Projekt (LLC). Audit report presents the survey results.

Keyboard shortcuts

Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Feedback and Contact

All issues regarding the digital accessibility of this website or its content can be reported to the Coordinator for Accessibility in the CBA:

  • by mail to:

Central Anti-Corruption Bureau

Al. Ujazdowskie 9

00-583 Warszawa

  • by e-mail to the Accessibility Coordinator:

  • by phone: +48 22 437-14-00

Handling Requests and Complaints regarding Accessibility

Anyone has the right to request digital accessibility of this website or its elements.

Such request should include:

  • first and last name of the Requester,
  • contact details of the Requester (e.g. phone number, e-mail address, or other contact method),
  • preferred contact method,
  • a website address where the inaccessible content is located,
  • a description of the issue and the preferred solution which would be most convenient for the Requester,
  • a suggested alternative accessibility method of the content.

CBA will fulfil the request immediately, but no later than 7 days from the date of the request’s receipt. If meeting this deadline is not possible, the Requester will be informed immediately and the CBA will indicate the request fulfilment date, which cannot exceed 2 months from the date of the request. If digital accessibility cannot be ensured, the CBA will propose an alternative method of the information access.

If the CBA refuses to fulfil the request for digital accessibility of an alternative access method, the Requester may submit a complaint regarding the digital accessibility of the website or its elements to the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau.

Complaints considered in the proceedings in the matter of digital accessibility assurance of the website, mobile application or elements of the website and mobile application follow Section VIII of the Act of 14 June 1960 – Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws 2024, item 572).

A complaint may be submitted:

  • by mail to:

Central Anti-Corruption Bureau

Al. Ujazdowskie 9

00-583 Warszawa

A complaint may also be filed if the Requester does not agree with the alternative access method proposed by the CBA.

If all other complaint options are exhausted, a complaint may also be submitted to the Commissioner for Human Rights (Public Information Bulletin of the Commissioner for Human Rights).

Mobile Applications

CBA does not provide mobile applications.

Architectural accessibility of the CBA Headquarters

Al. Ujazdowskie 9, 00-583 Warszawa (Headquarters)

  1. The entrance to the main building is possible through the Pass Office from Al. Szucha, entrance from the level of the surrounding area, with no architectural barriers.
  2. Upon prior notification, the support of an assisting person in the Pass Office building is ensured.
  3. The facility is protected and the area is closed.
  4. Access to the premises, excluding the Pass Office, is possible upon prior notification.
  5. Visitors’ service is conducted in a designated room, upon prior notification.
  6. The internal and external car parks cannot be used by third parties, not accredited. It is possible to use public parking spaces in urban areas.
  7. The main historic building is not equipped with a passenger lift.
  8. There is no accessible toilets in the main historic building.
  9. There is no sign language interpreter available. Online sign language interpretation is available.
  10. There is no Braille patterns nor high-contrast markings/enlarged text for blind or partially sighted people available in the buildings.
  11. There is no audio guidance system for blind or partially sighted people above the entrance.

Above mentioned CBA premise has signage in the form of stickers near the entrance door, informing that online sign language interpretation is available in the building.

Communication and Information Accessibility

In order to communicate with the CBA effectively, deaf or hard of hearing individuals may:

  • use online sign language interpretation in Polish Sign Language. The service is available on working days during Bureau’s working hours between 8:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
  • file a request to: Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, Al. Ujazdowskie 9, 00-583 Warszawa,
  • send an e-mail to:
  • make a phone call with third party assistance: +48 22 437-22-22,
  • reach out in person/with third party assistance in the CBA headquarters during working hours between 8:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m.,
  • send fax: 22 437-22-97

There is an information on the website of Central Anti-Corruption Bureau on authority’s activity scope in the form of digital file which contains machine-readable text, videos with content in Polish Sign Language and easy-readable text.


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