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Mismanagement at KWK Pniówek

Seven persons detained by officers of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau as part of a new investigation into mismanagement at KWK Pniówek (coal mine). Estimated losses reach half a million zlotys.

The officers of the Regional Office of the CBA in Katowice are conducting a new investigation into driving Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. to an unfavorable disposition of property. As part of the proceedings, CBA agents have detained seven persons, including the current and 3 former employees of KWK Pniówek holding managerial positions and 3 persons representing companies operating in Silesia that implemented contracts for services and supplies of equipment to KWK Pniówek.

The collected materials indicate that persons holding managerial positions in KWK Pniówek applied to the Management Board of JSW S.A. with requests to carry out the works, knowing that their performance at a given time is actually impossible and confirmed their completion at a later stage. They also certified material deliveries that actually did not take place. Everything seems to indicat that a number of works for the selected contractors were actually carried out by the employees of the mine's electrical department. Some of the ordered devices and materials were not supplied by the contractors, or had different technical parameters from the ordered ones. An expert appointed in the investigation, has estimated the damage to the assets of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. which amount to nearly half a million zlotys.

These contracts concerned, inter alia, the renovation of the lighting installation in the flotoconcentrate dryer building, the modernization of mechanical  exhaust ventilation system in the raw coal storage facility, the realization of a new lighting installation in the coal loading building.

The detainees will be taken to the District Prosecutor's Office in Gliwice. They will hear allegations there.

The case is developmental.

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