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Indictment against former board of Enea Wytwarzanie

The Regional Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw filed a bill of indictment with the Regional Court for Warszawa-Wola in connection with the proceedings conducted jointly with the officers of the CBA Regional Office in Łódź.

The indictment was submitted against three individuals - a former chairman of the board of directors of Enea Wytwarzanie and two former vice-presidents of the board.

The investigators found that in August 2015 the board concluded a preliminary agreement for the purchase of a wind farm, which was detrimental to the company. The value of the transaction was estimated at PLN 271 million, and then increased by a further PLN 15 million, while the actual value of the company was PLN 210 million.

In that way, the members of the Enea board exposed the company to significant material damage.

Public Relations Division of the CBA

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