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A failed attempt to bribe a civil servant in Przasnysz. 2 individuals detained red-handed

Two individuals have been detained red-handed by the officers of the CBA Regional Office in Warsaw while committing a criminal offence.

An entrepreneur and a councillor of Sierpec county promised PLN 160,000 to a local civil servant in exchange for a positive outcome of the tender for the supply of photovoltaic devices to the county of Przasnysz, planned for the beginning of next year. Both men were detained in front of the Office in Przasnysz, immediately after submitting the corrupt proposal. The activities carried out are the result of the findings made by the CBA investigators. The evidence gathered in the course of the investigation has been forwarded to the District Prosecutor's Office in Ostrołęka where the detainees were charged with committing corrupt crimes.

Public Relations Division of the CBA 

  • Fot. © taraki/ Photogenica
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