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An indictment for former director at the Office of the Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodship following the CBA inspection

On 19 February 2021, the Lublin-Zachód District Court sentenced a former director at the Office of the Marshal in Lublin for abuse of powers to 10 months’ imprisonment suspended for 3 years, a three-year ban on holding managerial positions in government and local government administration, and PLN 1000 fine.

The decision results from the inspection carried out at the Office of the Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodship conducted from June 2016 to March 2017 by the Control Proceedings Division of the CBA Regional Office in Lublin. In the course of the inspection it was found that the then director of a department at the Office of the Marshal may have exceeded his powers by ordering his subordinate employees to create, sign, and anti-date documents. The findings made by the Bureau officers contributed to the instigation of an investigation by the Lublin-Południe Circuit Prosecutor's Office in Lublin.

The ruling is not final. The defendant has filed an appeal.

  • photo: ©pressmaster/Photogenica
    photo: ©pressmaster/Photogenica
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