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Charges for bribery and bid rigging

Officers of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau detained a man who corrupted an official from Świnoujście and unlawfully influenced a tender procedure. This is another thread in the investigation supervised by the West Pomeranian Terrain Division of the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor’s Office in Szczecin.

On 10 July 2024, officers of the Regional Office of the CBA in Szczecin detained a man in the Olsztyn district - a representative of a company dealing with modern information and telecommunication technologies – in connection with bribery and disrupting a tender for the construction of a traffic management system in Świnoujście. The value of the awarded public procurement is PLN 18 million.

Unlawful obtaining of information

According to the findings of the investigation, the detained man gave financial benefits, worth several thousand zlotys, to an official of the City Hall in Świnoujście responsible for the tender for the construction of a traffic management system in Świnoujście.  In exchange, he obtained unlawful influence over the course of the above-mentioned proceedings, including in the creation of tender documentation and access to the bids of other entrepreneurs.

Preventive Measures Applied

The detainee was brought West Pomeranian Terrain Division of the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor’s Office in Szczecin, where he was charged under Article 229. § 1 and § 3 of the Penal Code in offence with art. 305 § 2 and § 3 of the Penal Code.

The Prosecutor, as the Court did not accept the motion for the temporary arrest, applied non-custodial preventive measures against the detainee, including a property surety in the amount of PLN 50,000, police supervision combined with a ban on contacting specific persons, suspension in the performance of official duties and a ban on competing for public procurements, both independently and on behalf of other entities.

The detention proceedings were combined with a search of specific locations, which served to secure further evidence in the investigation. Among other things, electronic data carriers were secured in relation to the man’s contacts with the previously detained official.

Ongoing Case

This is the second procedural implementation related to a multithreaded investigation, conducted by the Regional Office of the CBA in Szczecin, into the claiming influence, among others, in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and other public offices. As part of the investigation, in June this year CBA officers detained six persons. So far, nine people have already been charged in the case. Further implementations are planned.


CBA Press Team

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