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Lawyer detained by CBA officers

A lawyer from Wroclaw detained by the CBA. The investigation concerns fraud to the detriment of the State Treasury. Preliminary findings indicate that the case could concern over PLN 1 million.

The officers of the Regional Office of the CBA in Warsaw have detained a legal advisor from Wrocław. The activities were carried out in connection with the investigation under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Wrocław. The proceedings concern leading to unfavourable disposal of property belonging to a number of persons and entities, which was located on the deposit accounts of courts in the whole country. Everything seems to indicate that the detainee, acting jointly and in agreement with other people, used forged documents and took actions during court and enforcement proceedings aimed at misleading the courts. As a consequence of these actions he intended to withdraw money. 

Preliminary estimates indicate that about PLN 150,000 have been paid out. There was also an attempt to withdraw PLN 870 thousand.

Earlier, one person had heard charges in the case. The investigation is developmental.

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