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The CBA promotes compliance

The guidelines on establishing and implementing effective compliance programs in public sector entities.

We present a publication of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau with the guidelines on establishing and implementing effective compliance programs in the public sector entities. The document was drawn up in connection with implementation of the task 4.2. of the Government Programme for Counteracting Corruption for the Years 2018–2020.

The publication introduces the definition and the goal of compliance and components of this program, thus it introduces a general framework that may be used for establishing and implementing effective compliance programs in every public office in Poland. This paper is addressed to the management in particular.

It is worth to remember that compliance serves not only to ensure conformity of operations with commonly binding law and internal rules, but also with adopted ethical codes, organizational culture and work ethos, and thanks to this it lets the institution to minimise potential risks and loss.

We encourage to read it.

The Cabinet of the Head

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