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CBA determines: the former minister submitted untrue statements of asset declarations

Former Minister of Sport Andrzej B. is going to be brought before the prosecutor and will be charged with 6 allegations of giving a false declaration of assets. Today the CBA agents are searching his house in Łódź, interviewing important witnesses. All operations the CBA performs on command and supervision of Prosecutor's Office. Andrzej B. has not been detained.

Checking of statements is the statutory duty of the CBA. Subjects to control accuracy and veracity of the statements of asset declarations are, among others, parliamentarians. Therefore, the CBA has repeatedly addressed notices to the Prosecutor's Office. Usually, the concerns related to the discrepancy between the actual state of the property, and the claimed state - deliberate submission of untrue in the statement of asset declaration is a crime.

The CBA established during the control, that examined statements of assets submitted by Andrzej B. may be inaccurate. The Regional Office of the CBA in Łódź initiated its own investigation concerning asset declarations in the years 2010-14 made by the minister.

While collecting evidence, analyzing the case, the CBA agents from Łódź found that Andrzej B. in submitted statements of assets understated his incomes by more than 85 thousand PLN and did not reveal the fact that he owned a joint property - a car.

The CBA agents are searching his house near Łódż, interviewing relevant witnesses. We are looking for additional evidence, documents which, among others, indicate the possession of money or securities of any accounts relating to the spending money on  precious jewelery, holidays, fees for housing repairs of the family, high-class car insurance, purchase of  expensive equipment. Agents of the CBA are making copies of discs and storage media.

Andrzej B. was not detained - he received a summon to appear today in the Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw - there he will hear the charges of making false asset declarations.


Public Information Division of the CBA

  • CBA determines: the former minister submitted untrue statements of asset declarations
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