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Findings of the CBA – 3 billion losses

Former deputy minister of finance, acting in the years 2008-13 as the undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Finance, was charged with failure to perform his duties and causing losses to the State Treasury in the amount of 3 billion zlotys.

The officers from the Regional Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau in Warsaw were carrying out activities as part of an investigation conducted by the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Białystok.

The investigation concerns, among others, failure to fulfill duties by public officials in 2008-2015, including the minister of finance and subordinate employees. As a result of the CBA investigative activities, the former deputy minister of finance was charged with failure to comply with obligations in the scope of creating and changing legal regulations, aimed at countering irregularities (extortions) in VAT (value-added tax). The findings of the CBA show that the losses of the State Treasury may reach up to 3 billion zlotys.

The former deputy minister of finance was charged in the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Białystok. The prosecutor ordered against him non-custodial preventive measures – bail in the amount of 100 thousand zlotys and ban on leaving the country.

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