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The feminine side of the CBA

40% of the CBA staff are women. They work at various levels, in all organisational units. The 15th anniversary of the CBA, celebrated this year, is a good occasion to emphasise their contribution to the everyday functioning of the Bureau.

Currently, the CBA employs 1349 staff (1176 officers and 173 civilian employees), 40% of whom are women. The ladies perform their daily duties in all divisions of the Bureau. They work as investigators, inspectors, analysts, but also deal with administrative or personnel matters. The tasks they perform depend on their education, professional experience and qualifications.

Ladies hold positions at various levels - from inspectors, through managers, heads of units, to directors of the Bureau's largest departments. Their work, as well as recruitment to the service, is in no way inferior to their male colleagues. There are no gender divisions or preferential rates.

Women in the CBA perform key tasks and enjoy respect and recognition. They are valued for their professionalism, diligence, interpersonal competences, ability to appropriately set objectives and allocate tasks, as well as consequences and persistence in pursuing them.

Service in the CBA is a responsible task, giving great satisfaction and the possibility to develop at many levels, creating the opportunity to lead teams and to take key decisions for the CBA, but also requiring certain qualifications, often many sacrifices and availability, which can be difficult, but not impossible, to reconcile with family life.

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