Kick - off meeting. Inauguration of the Project under Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
The Central Anticorruption Bureau with its Polish and foreign Partners officially started the project “Strengthening of competencies of law enforcement agencies and justice system institutions in the area of strategic and operational criminal analysis that will support identification, fight and prevention of corruption and economic crime” financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 for the thematic area no. 20 “International police cooperation and combating crime” under the “Home affairs” Programme. The total value of the project is 545 292,00 EUR i.e. 2 345 411,00 PLN.
The project inauguration (kick-off meeting) took form of a two-day meeting and it took place on 20th and 21st October 2021. Due to restrictions the event was organized in the form of a teleconference.
The meeting was opened by the Deputy Head of the CBA, Mr. Daniel Karpeta who welcomed the participants and emphasized the role of the cross-border cooperation in combating and preventing crime and activity detrimental to the economic interest of the State, including improving the detection of serious crimes with an international dimension. The Minister pointed that the idea of the Project is a broadly understood development of the criminal and strategic analysis as valuable tools for an effective processing, filtering and interconnecting of big data sets coming from various sources. It has a special impact on the accuracy and speed of the decisions made during the criminal investigations and oftentimes pre-empts the efficacy of all the process.
Subsequently the detailed project assumptions and planned events under the project were presented such as specialized trainings and international conference of criminal and strategic analysis in 2022. After the official part regarding the Project presentation the representatives of all the invited institutions took the floor. They presented their institution, organization of their analytical divisions in the structure of their institutions and shared their expectations concerning the project. The series of speeches began with the presentation of the Director of the Intelligence Analysis Department of the CBA, then the representative of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). The representatives of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) shared their views on the criminal and strategic analysis tools and their presentation ended the first day of the teleconference.
On the second day of the kick-off meeting their experiences in the field of criminal and strategic analysis presented the following institutions: Public Prosecutors’s Office for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption from Austria, Internal Security Agency, Military Counterintelligence Service and Prosecutor’s Office. The second day of the presentations ended with a speech of the Ministry of Finance. The meeting was closed with the summary and the discussion panel.
The kick-off conference was the first official event of the project during which the project Partners exchanged the information regarding placement of criminal/strategic analysis in the structure of individual institutions, the general strategy of criminal and strategic analysis performance and development, tools and analytical algorithms used and defined needs of analysts related to the subject matters of the upcoming trainings, including: graph bases application in analysis, financial engineering, money laundering using the new technologies, “big data” in analysis or so called intelligence-led policing.
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