
Specialized training on advanced open source intelligence methods (OSINT)

Specialized training on advanced open source intelligence methods (OSINT)

On October 9-11 CBA organized specialized training on advanced open source intelligence methods (OSINT) as part of a project co-financed by Norwegian funds.

The training was attended by representatives of the CBA's analytical department and project partners from the Internal Security Agency, the Military Counterintelligence Service, the Ministry of Finance and the National Prosecutor's Office. The training was a part of the project " Strengthening the competences of law enforcement agencies and judicial institutions in the area of criminal and strategic analysis, supporting the process of identifying, combating and preventing corruption and economic crime.

The project is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the PA20 program area "International police cooperation and combating crime" in the "Internal Affairs" Program, which is at the disposal of the Minister of Interior and Administration. The total value of the project is EUR 545,292.00, i.e. PLN 2,345,411.00.

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